Expedition trips

An expedition is a two-week study- and ‘do’ trip for a group of 8-10 students and two teachers. An expedition from Picaflor International is an accessible way to get to know a developing country: It’s a well mapped program, fits into the curriculum of the educational program and engages both the student and the teacher. A strength of Picaflor is personal guidance, both in The Netherlands and during the expedition abroad.

Collaboration schools

A foreign experience expands one’s boundaries: it expands the student’s worldview, the view of themselves...

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Expedition Bolivia

Will you join us on Expedition Bolivia? That’s awesome! You’re on the cusp of creating a meaningful experience: You’re going to explore an unfamiliar country, experience their culture...

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Binnenkort volgt hier meer over deze nieuwe Expeditie. Misschien ga jij wel mee op avontuur naar een van de projecten in Kenia…

>> More soon


Op expeditieries naar Montenegro? Binnenkort meer over dit Balkan land en de projecten die je daar kunt gaan ondersteunen…

>> More soon

Explore the world

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Do you work at a school that is ready to expand their view on the world? Picaflor international will gladly contribute ideas! 

Feel free to contact us via the contact form or directly call 06 543 43 926.

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